
La colección Dossier Cuba 21 constituyen publicaciones monotemáticas que han sido escritas a solicitud expresa de Cuba Siglo 21 por especialistas en los múltiples campos y factores que inciden en la evolución actual de la realidad cubana. 

Cuba 2023: ¿Sacrificarnos por Putin?

Cuba 2023: ¿Sacrificarnos por Putin?

Cuba ha optado por ser un país beligerante del lado del agresor en una guerra europea, donde Putin ha sido declarado criminal de guerra y contra el cual el tribunal Criminal Internacional de La Haya ha emitido una orden de arresto. ¿Fortalecerá a Cuba los pasos de la oligarquía cubana de aliarse con Putin?

Remittances: GAESA undermine the Cubans prosperity

Remittances: GAESA undermine the Cubans prosperity

If the sending of remittances to Cuba in these 30 years has demonstrated anything, it is the real financial potential of the exile community, in close economic alliance with Cuban residents in the island, to be able to quickly transform the country the day that basic freedoms are restored and respected in the island. In as few as three years the country could be a different one.

Open letter to critics of Senator Bob Menendez

Open letter to critics of Senator Bob Menendez

Two letters were sent to Democratic Senator Bob Menendez accusing him of spreading the “false narrative” that there is no association between the U.S. sanctions and the economic and humanitarian crises in Cuba and Venezuela. There is no doubt that the letters sent to Senator Bob Menendez lack objectivity and common sense.