
La colección Dossier Cuba 21 constituyen publicaciones monotemáticas que han sido escritas a solicitud expresa de Cuba Siglo 21 por especialistas en los múltiples campos y factores que inciden en la evolución actual de la realidad cubana. 

GAESA pierde el control de las remesas

GAESA pierde el control de las remesas

GAESA ha perdido el control del negocio de las remesas en Cuba, debido a una silenciosa “rebelión financiera ciudadana” contra su monopolio bancario. Algo más del 95% del flujo de remesas de la diáspora cubana hacia la isla está siendo canalizada a través de una red de más de 150 “bancos informales”.

El sistema cubano colapsó: a 71 años del asalto al cuartel Moncada

El sistema cubano colapsó: a 71 años del asalto al cuartel Moncada

La caída de forma conjunta en más de un 50% de las tres principales líneas de ingresos de Cuba —exportación de servicios médicos, remesas y turismo—  ha acelerado el colapso del sistema. La celebración de este 26 de julio es un día que comienza a marcar la cuenta regresiva de la extinción del régimen cubano dada la profundidad de la crisis en la que se encuentra empantanado y su incapacidad manifiesta para salir de ella.

GAESA loses control of remittances

GAESA loses control of remittances

GAESA has lost control of the remittance business in Cuba, due to a quiet “citizens’ financial rebellion” against its banking monopoly. Just over 95% of the flow of remittances from the Cuban diaspora to the island is being channeled through a network of more than 150 “informal banks”. GAESA will only collect around US$81.6 million at the end of this year.

GAESA also shuts down the tourism industry

GAESA also shuts down the tourism industry

Between January and October 2024, 1,718,636 visitors arrived, a drop of 48.23% compared to the same period in 2019, before the pandemic. In 2023, tourism revenues reached only US$1.216 billion, a drop of 61.82% compared to the US$3.185 billion obtained in 2019. The recovery of tourism in Cuba requires profound structural changes.

The Useless Mega Fraud of Nicolás Maduro

The Useless Mega Fraud of Nicolás Maduro

Maduro’s mega-fraud turned out to be useless. He lost and everybody knows it. However, his will to cling to power by blood and fire following Havana’s instructions has turned Venezuela into a neuralgic problem for regional and international stability. But the struggle for Venezuela’s future is far from over.

The Cuban system collapsed: 71 years after the assault on the Moncada barracks

The Cuban system collapsed: 71 years after the assault on the Moncada barracks

The sharp drop of more than 50% of the Cuba’s three main lines of income – medical exports, remittances and tourism – have hastened the collapse of the governance regime. The celebration of 26 of July is a day that begins to mark the countdown to the extinction of the Cuban regime, given the depth of the crisis in which it is mired and its manifest incapacity to get out of it.